Middle Week is for campers entering grades 6-8 in the fall of 2024.
Check this list to make sure you pack what you need!
Check In: Sunday, July 14 @ 4pm
Check Out: Saturday, July 20 @ 10am
Day campers check in/out on the list located at the Dining Hall at 8am and pickup is at 8pm, or until campfire is finished.
Middle Week Deans:
Rocky Bonomo
Rocky joined SVCC's ministry team in January 2014. Rocky retired from a 32 year career as a successful university wrestling coach and heard God's call to ministry. His enthusiasm for the serving Jesus Christ and people is contagious. Once you meet Rocky, you will never forget him.
I can do all things through Christ who give me strength ~ Phillipians 4:13
Ryan Miner
Ryan resides in Huntington Mills and attends Sweet Valley Church of Christ. He has volunteered with Camp E for 8 years.
“I was raised in the church my whole life. My parents made it a priority for us to be in church growing up and made sure I understood the importance of growing in my relationship with Jesus. I made the decision to follow him at age 14 and continue to grow in my walk with Christ each day.
“I love Chapel time!!!! Watching the kids worship with zero reservations and zero inhibitions adds to the overall experience at camp. I picture God smiling down on His children as they stand in full surrender lifting up their voices to Him.
“I love watching kids from various schools, churches, and communities come together through the common thread of our Lord and Savior Jesus.
“No matter if you are a first-timer or an annual attender, when you come to Camp-E, I hope you leave knowing your worth is found only through your identity as a son or daughter of the living King!!”